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Monday, January 28, 2019

Why Trump went for a 21-day suspension of the partial shutdown, and what happens next

President Trump’s Rose Garden declaration of an end to the partial shutdown was a tactical retreat, a rejection of a Little Big Horn strategy. He found himself in a no-win situation, and rather than bear unacceptable costs, has redefined the contest on better terms: sending the issue to a House and Senate conference committee charged with coming up with a deal that prevents a resumption of the shutdown, and provides border security, something that Democrats say they believe is important.

It is important that Nancy Pelosi declined to rule out funding for a physical barrier. We do not know what was said in the process of reaching an agreement to re-start the normal operations of the federal government for the next 21 days.

Democrats naturally are gloating, calling it a surrender and admonishing Trump to “learn his lesson” and acknowledge his defeat by the wise and all-knowing Nancy Pelosi. This certainly gives them a sugar high while providing evidence for future use that their priority is humiliating Trump rather than attending to the needs of border security.

Nonetheless, as President Trump correctly noted in the Rose Garden address, it was an “agreement.” The Dems agreed to procedural rules that can be used to make the case for border barrier construction. The deal will be hashed out in the conference committee, which will then submit the same legislation to both Houses of Congress, with the 21-day clock ticking. Either chamber can modify the legislation, but that happens under the gun of the ticking clock.



  1. Try and justify it however you want. Trump caved. Pelosi played him like a fiddle, and everyone knows it.

    He is a pathological liar, braggart, and blow hard.

    If he pulls the same stunt in a few weeks, he'll be in the same situation, playing the same hand.

    1. We'll see about that loser boy. Military Sea Bee's will build the wall

  2. It will be the most watched state of the union ever. Crazy Nancy knows it and can't allow his voters and the world to see it. Book burning, new speak and thought police or the democrats. Time will tell.

  3. It's actually a genius move. Trading three weeks of liberal disfunction (i.e. federal government back to work) for the entire next shutdown to be entirely on the Dems!

  4. Easy fix. Everyone already agrees on the need for more border security. Fund those components that everyone supports (drones, more agents, more judges, etc.). Then give Trump is wall funding by making the appropriation contingent upon the receipt of funds from Mexico. Done.

  5. Funny. The same people claiming to be fiscally conservative are willing to write a check for tens of billions (the real life time cost of wall construction, operations, and maintenance) even before POTUS or his admin give any real details about what "the wall" will be, where it will go, etc.

    1. It's going to be a beautiful wall !!!

  6. Remember his book, The Art of the Deal. He has a plan.

  7. All of you seriously don't see how the Super Bowl factors into this?


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