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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

WATCH: Laura Loomer Brings Illegal Immigrants To Nancy Pelosi's Home. Pelosi Has Police Remove Them.

Self-described investigative journalist Laura Loomer brought a handful of illegal immigrants to the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday.

Pelosi — who has been unwavering in her opposition to funding a wall along the southern border, which she's classified as an "immorality" — reportedly had Loomer and the illegals removed from her property.

Loomer, accompanied by illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico, lugged a tent onto Pelosi’s multimillion-dollar vineyard estate, freelance journalist Nick Monroe reported Monday. In large red letters, the word "immorality" was written across the tent; there were also photos of murder victims of illegal immigrants hanging from the front of the tent.

Livestreaming the event, Loomer took the time to read each of the victims’ names and reiterate that these folks were not welcome in "sanctuary state California."



  1. I'm sure the liberal media didn't cover it because it was against Democrats.

  2. This has to be the greatest story of 2019


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