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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wasserman Schultz appointed to House committee charged with oversight of Donald Trump

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is becoming a member of a key House committee that Democrats will use to conduct oversight of President Donald Trump and his administration.

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform has a broad mandate to conduct investigations.

Trump is the committee’s highest-profile business. On Feb. 7, Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is scheduled to testify.

In a statement, Wasserman Schultz said she would “demand swift accountability from this White House. ... The long neglect of meaningful House oversight on our nation’s most serious problems in recent years ends now with Democrats serving in the majority in the House.”



  1. What a great choice! Who better to root out crime than a criminal?

  2. In a word; Laughable

  3. I love it, beats watching late night trash for laughter. This is some funny stuff right there. Who is watching Wasserman?

  4. What a joke! She and the Dems appointing her corrupted the DNC. They should be in jail.

  5. Just when we thought that the Dems had outdone themselves, this.

  6. The inmates running the asylum?


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