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Friday, January 25, 2019

Was It Payday?


  1. Look at her. She is so puffed up and high on power she can barley move.

  2. Pictures always tell the story

  3. Hang the treasonous B...H.

  4. Picture is worth a thousand words and unlimited money.

  5. I have never seen a group of people that act is if they are allergic to facts. Get a clue folks. The vast majority of drugs are NOT coming through on the backs of mexican mules crossing the border. You want a wall? Fine. But stop the insanity of these false claims.

  6. I KEEP TELLING YOU ---- but all you can do is muster wild cheers for the police when they spend 3 months in Ocean city playing dress-up in order to bust 20-30 people for buying $20 bags of pot --- the REAL power behind drugs are the people (and their ilk) in that picture.
    THEY facilitate shipment, contacts, and money laundering avenues.
    Keep cheering, but until we get to the REAL POWERS, drugs will NEVER go away.
    Know this, too --- the people you see on TV and such, calling for draconian drug punishments are the same ones banking drug money and selling patrol route info to the cartels.

  7. The leftist say 90% of the drugs are coming through the ports.How could they possibly know what amount came across otherwise if all the mules were not caught.? Just another bs assumption.

    1. Perhaps you should consult the readily available data from DEA and other agencies. Or just use some common sense.

  8. Quite possibly Pelosi has been dipping into the drugs it would explain a lot with her behavior, she is after all Hillary's twin.

  9. Always follow the money. Talk to old timers in Baltimore about Pelosi's childhood.

  10. Maybe Trump should consider for the next three weeks that each and every car, truck, cargo ship and plane be physically stopped and searched with every package and container opened and examined.

    Congress can continue to doing what they usually do....nothing.


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