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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Understanding Why the Deep State Had to Take Down General Michael Flynn

Does the American public really understand what happened to Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn? Highlights of the case have been thoroughly exploited by the shallow, left-leaning media as a convenient avenue to attack President Trump. But important elements of the story remain largely buried from public view.

The tragic political demise of this distinguished general who was President Trump's initial national security adviser, one of the key jobs in the White House, has been well documented. Former FBI director James Comey and the now disgraced upper echelon of the FBI and, subsequently, Special Counsel Robert Mueller maliciously trapped him, resulting in his ultimate prosecution and pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. Not only did Flynn lose an important and influential job in the White House, but they also bankrupted him with legal fees; threatened his family; and, worst of all, damaged the good name of a highly decorated military professional who served his country honorably and with distinction as a member of the American Intelligence Community.

The despicable and unethical attack on Flynn immediately after his appointment by Trump was just one element of a shameful Deep State campaign to discredit and destroy the Trump presidency. As Trump's national security adviser, Flynn had Trump's ear. He was potentially the Deep State's worst nightmare. Flynn knows in detail how the Intelligence Community and the FISA courts operate. With a 33-year military career, including heading up the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn was an existential threat to outgoing President Obama and his shameless and highly partisan CIA director, John Brennan, who cynically and criminally corrupted the Intelligence Community for political purposes on behalf of Obama and Hillary Clinton.


1 comment:

  1. This article brings no surprise s to me. I felt Obama from the start was not good for America. How did he have time to destroy our country with all his Executive Orders and still protect his islamic brothers. Why is he still walking around this great country causing political havoic. Thank God for President Trump.


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