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Friday, January 25, 2019

Tucker Carlson: Covington isn't about facts, but about identity politics. Nick Sandmann committed 'facecrime'

There was a brief moment – a small window – at the beginning of this week when it seemed possible that our media establishment might look inward and learn something useful about itself. Humiliation, as always, is the best teacher, and they were definitely humiliated.

In the space of just a few days, two separate high-profile news stories turned out to be utterly fraudulent. First, BuzzFeed announced that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen had been coached to commit perjury by the president of the United States. The cable news caucus immediately erupted in glee — “Finally, we got him!” — until Robert Mueller’s office weighed in to point out that the story, thrilling as it sounded, wasn’t, strictly speaking, true. That was embarrassing.

Then, just 24 hours later, our entire ruling class united as one to crush a group of Catholic school boys from Kentucky, who had apparently behaved disrespectfully toward an American Indian man in Washington. A short video clip on social media appeared to tell that story. The only problem was, there were other, much longer videos of the same event, and they revealed a very different truth. The students from Covington Catholic didn’t harass anyone. In fact, they were the ones being harassed. Ouch.


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