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Friday, January 04, 2019

Trump warns shutdown could last ‘years,’ stands firm on wall as meeting breaks with no deal

President Trump stood firm Friday on his demands for a border wall after the second White House meeting with congressional leaders this week broke up with no apparent deal, as Democrats exited claiming the president told them the partial government shutdown could last "months, or even years."

In an impromptu Rose Garden address, Trump called the meeting "productive" but indicated he was not shifting on his demand for more than $5 billion for funding for a wall on the southern border, saying it was necessary as the border is a "dangerous, horrible disaster."

"This is national security we’re talking about, we’re not talking about games," he told reporters. “We're not playing games, we have to do it."

But despite Trump saying the meeting was productive and conversations had "come a long way," Democrats were more dour in their assessment. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer exited saying Trump told them "he’d keep the government closed for a very long period of time, months or even years.”

Trump later confirmed in the Rose Garden, "Absolutely I said that," while clarifying he hopes the partial shutdown doesn't last more than a few more days.

Yet both sides remain far apart.



  1. No Congressperson should be paid until deal is done. They should not be paid retroactive and they should have to pay for their own benefits without reimbursement. Pay the little person and screw the Congress.

  2. Don't waver from that stance.

  3. I hope he sticks by his guns!!!!

  4. I hate to say it but I think Trump made,and is still making, a big mistake by threatening and backing into a corner Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in the oval office in front of the media and the whole world.It only hardened their stance so they can't back down without looking like they are cowards and afraid of the President and the Republicans.The Democrats won't admit it but I think they realize that a border wall/fence will help keep unwanted people out.If Trump would approach the issue from an economic angle and emphasize how much illegals are costing American taxpayers he might have more success.The cost of the wall is peanuts compared to what we fork out supporting illegal aliens.

  5. Trump stand ur ground or forget 2020.

  6. Thanks, Mr, President! I Love that you love OUR Country!

  7. Stand tough Mr. President!


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