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Friday, January 18, 2019

Trump Warns Of New Migrant Caravan Leaving Honduras

As the battle over President Trump's border wall drags on for its fourth week, President Trump is warning about a new migrant caravan forming in Honduras and will soon be on it way to the Southern border.

In his tweet, Trump mocked Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, warning that "a drone flying around will not stop" the advancing migrant hordes. Once the next wave arrives, "Only a Wall, or Steel Barrier, will keep our Country safe!"



  1. State of Emergency, cut off their pay checks and boom, wall built!

  2. they have already made it to thr mexican border

  3. Yeah, and Mexico freely opened their gates and let a whole bunch of them in. I absolutely hate it when they interview them and they say I want to get to America to make money to build a house for my kids. Quit having kids and stay where you are. Ever hear of birth control?

  4. Immediately stop sending any money to any of the countries that these people are coming from or going through. Why are we sending millions/billions of dollars to Central America and all of the people are coming here. Where is that money going and what is it being used for. Obviously not the people it is intended for. SO STOP IT. Then take the money that we would have sent there and build the damn wall. If that is not enough take some from California emergency fund. All of those mouthy, opinionated Hollywood people can do there own fire fighting.

  5. Since they have don't have anymore victims to rape and/or rob in their own country, they need to come to the US to find more.


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