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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trump: 'Da Nang Dick' Blumenthal Is 'an Embarrassment to Our Country'

President Donald Trump blasted Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D.-Conn., referring to him as “Da Nang Dick” and as “an embarrassment to our country.”

Trump’s comments came in a Monday night tweet.

He wrote: “How does Da Nang Dick (Blumenthal) serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee when he defrauded the American people about his so called War Hero status in Vietnam, only to later admit, with tears pouring down his face, that he was never in Vietnam. An embarrassment to our Country!”

Trump’s remarks came after Blumenthal had appeared on MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show.” Blumenthal had questioned the testimony given by Donald Trump Jr. before the judiciary committee.



  1. He didn't do anything worse than John McCain, he pretended to be a hero too!

  2. 10:29 well McCain was in Viet Nam. Blumenthal lied about being there. Or in Democrat speak....he misspoke.

  3. 10:29 AM, Oh, so true!!

  4. "He didn't do anything worse than John McCain, he pretended to be a hero too!"

    I can't believe some keyboard warrior is actually sick enough to post this crap. I was never a big fan of McCain but did serve in the same era as him. McCain nearly lost his life and did suffer permanent injuries as a result of his service while the worst injury Anon 10:29 has suffered is a hangnail on his keyboard thumb.

  5. In my opinion, there are very few things that are as despicable, and frankly, cowardly than this type of stolen valor.
    This scum of a man should apologize to every Vet and also step down from his position in our government.
    BTW: This post is from a Vietnam ERA Vet - NOT A Vietnam Vet!

  6. McCain was the favorite of the N. Vietnamese, he was an admirals son and was treated very well after they found out who he was. The photo's of him "Almost Dying" are from before they knew who he was. He had his own private cell, plenty of food, and he talked everyday to his captures. Earning him the nick-name "Song Bird McCain". Why if he was not a traitor would all of the reports from the other prisoners with him be sealed? Why did one interrogator state that "Mr.McCain tell us many secret, we able to kill many GI from his information. He good GI Joe with us".


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