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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Transgender female cyclist places first against biological women in meet: 'I'm a WORLD CHAMPION

Transgender cyclist Rachel McKinnon — a biological male — placed first in a female cycling world championship competition Saturday.

McKinnon won the sprint final at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles, besting Carolien Van Herrikhuyzen of the Netherlands and Jennifer Wagner of the United States. (The race results page shows the age bracket as 35-44, but the previous menu displays 35-39 as the age range.)

An assistant philosophy professor at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, McKinnon (center, wearing gold medal) announced the victory on Twitter:



  1. "he's" a world champion only in his mind otherwise it's just another example of mental illness running rampant in America. Studies have shown that instead of forcing this agenda on today's youth that seem to grow out of the experimental aspects. Those that complete the surgical process have shown a 19% higher suicide rate when reaching the ages of 30-50. Way to go America

  2. One day all of this will be straightened out and gender for sports accurately categorized, with these awards rescinded.

  3. This whole thing reminds me of the early days of WW2. All of Europe thought that if they just let this short guy names Hitler get it out of his system he would stop. But he didnt.

    Why are we taking a play out of a losing playbook? Appeasement is not the answer. I STRONGLY object to this horse turd being served to me if its a crown roast. Thats a dude on a bike. Yeah he may have breasts. He might have even chopped his wiener off. Still a dude but he is now a eunuch with a set of boobs. THATS IT!!! And he did it voluntarily.

    That was his choice not mine. I am not obligated to do anything for him.

    Simply disgusting and warped.

  4. This is so dumb. Not a woman. Not a female.

    A transwoman.. fine.. but race in the transwoman category, against other trans-women.

    It is biologically not equitable for this to happen. The picture looks ridiculous. It looks like a man flanked by two women.

  5. Another win for insanity.

    The death of female sports.

  6. Can't compete with people of his own gender

  7. If there is a transgender female in an athletic event All real women should refuse to participate. No athletes NO event. Things would change real quick.

  8. You're not a champion you're a lying POS that should have never been allowed to compete.

  9. Why the hell are they allowed to participate? It's just wrong.

  10. Common sense tells the average person that a transgender with a male body (muscles) in a female race is not fair competition.

  11. If you have a penis you are a male that beat females in a woman sport world champion what?? Male beating females?

  12. No, you are nothing but a man who is wearing a mask. Compare your time to the other men, then understand you are a loser.

    Reality sucks sometimes.

  13. Didn't the USSR pull something like this at the Olympics? Putting biological men in as women to win medals, and then it was discovered and they were required to have a actual physical exam from the Olympic people. Time to require the same thing for the freaks of this world, if you got the wrong plumbing, than you can't call yourself the opposite.

  14. This signals to real females everywhere, why bother to compete at all when there's a non-female spoiler?

  15. No your not a World Champion, your a freak of nature. Go back to your closet,

  16. No surgery can make you a woman, no surgery can make you a man. Your genetic makeup determines what you are. These people are freaks and not what they claim. He beat out women in a bicycle race for WOMEN. Totally unfair to them. We DO NOT have to accept such as this. No matter what the government says.

  17. And they said woman couldn't do what a man does. In this case IT!!

  18. For those of us that grew up believing that nature (not religion) intended male and female coupling and hard work and determination was the way to success....our way of life has been lost to the perverse, entitlement, liberal ideals. Nothing short of revolution will restore our culture

  19. This is the only way liberal men can win

  20. Obviously this will change when a transgender-participant race only will be scheduled. Wow, what a country. Beyond sci-fi.

  21. The war on women by Democrats is real.

  22. While he was living in his parents basement he dreamed of this one day. He should be very proud of himself, he cheated and won a race against girls!

  23. @10:02 you are so correct!! This gives morons like Jake Day and his merry ferry band of misfits hope. I'm sure Jake will have a transgender assembly/awards etc in the near future of "the dude" Salisbury marathon

  24. This ahole should run a marathon in Saudi Arabia lol.

  25. To be fair, there should be male games, female games, male-to-female transgender games, and female-to-male transgender games. Transgender men are not biological men, transgender women are not biological women. Why pretend that they are and unfairly pit them against those who maintain their given identities?

  26. the reality of human sinfulness explains why there are those who are deeply troubled and confused about something as fundamental as their gender and self-identity. The brokenness of the world also explains why there are entire ideologies, theories and systems of thought constructed by sinners in order to justify their sin. This is exactly what Paul indicts in Romans 1 when he describes suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and exchanging the truth of God for a lie.

  27. Believe science when it comes to climate crisis. DO NOT believe science when it comes to gender. Thank you

  28. I really could care less about peddling sweaty twats real or otherwise.

  29. i hope they sue. have him prove that he is a women!!! it us fraud!!! it a lie!! he cannot physically be a women either!his BONES, and it is biolocally IMPOSSIBLE!!!! SUE!!! MAKE HIM PROVE IT HE CANT..


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