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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch Reveal Obama and Hillary Knew Arms Were Going to Syria from Libya -- Lied About It Under Oath (VIDEO)!

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks.

Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (under oath) in early 2013 after the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack.

Senator Rand Paul questioned Hillary Clinton about this gun running program back in January 2013 during her testimony on the Benghazi terrorist attack.

In late July 2016 Julian Assange told Democracy Now that the Wikileaks DNC emails contains information on the weapons shipments to Syria.



  1. How many unprosecuted crimes can there possibly be involving this woman?

  2. Two Sets of Laws.

    You cheer wildly. The, elect these snakes over and over and over again.

    Then wonder how it can happen????

    Keep cheering.

  3. Under oath??? Oh no!!!! Hillary doesn't give a fat rats a$$ about an oath. She would lie to anyone under any circumstances to save her own fat a$$. She always has lied and she always will lie. Period!

  4. This pair should be locked up away from public existence or thrown out of our country. But no, many of you dumb asses would like to see him back in the White House and her too, when actually any other subject walking the skreet would be in the big house (not White house).

  5. Whether she believes it or not, sooner or later there will be consequences for all her wrong doing.

  6. Let's not forget BENGHAZI!!


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