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Friday, January 18, 2019

Tick-Tock: Sean Hannity Says Trump Is Holding 5 Different Buckets of information on Deep State Corruption at Top Levels (Audio)!

Sean Hannity told his radio audience today that President Trump is holding “five different buckets” of information that will reveal deep state corruption at the top levels.

If this is true the President better act soon.
Whoever is telling him to hold on to this information is giving him bad advice.


  1. This is why we elected him President. Drain the swamp now!

  2. Dump those buckets President Trump, just turn them over and let everything spill out of them.

  3. I'll volunteer to be on the bucket brigade!

  4. It's the President's bucket list to do with what he needs to do.

  5. The problem is that there is no one who will prosecute these scum.


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