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Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Real Resistance: Washington State Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws

Washington state recently introduced bills for some of the strictest gun laws in the country but they have some very important opponents: the sheriffs.

Long thought to be the last line of defense between authoritarianism and freedom, sheriffs are in a unique position. As elected officials, basically nobody has authority over them – not the judges, not the Feds – no one except the people who may or may not choose to re-elect them.

What are those new gun laws in Washington?

In November, Washington voters passed a ballot initiative, I-1639. To purchase a semi-automatic rifle, buyers must be over 21, undergo an enhanced background check, must have completed a safety course, and need to wait 9 days to take possession of their weapon. And that’s not all. A gun owner who doesn’t store his or her weapon “properly” can be prosecuted.

And that was just the beginning of the unconstitutional momentum.

Feeling the wind at their backs after the ballot, gun campaigners and liberal legislators have now gone even further in the new legislative session. Bills introduced in the last week to Washington’s Democrat-dominated legislature look to further restrict firearms. Some laws would ban high capacity magazines and plastic guns made with 3D printers. Others would mandate training for concealed carry permits, and remove guns and ammo during and after domestic violence incidents.

Washington’s attorney general, Bob Ferguson, who proposed several of the bills, said in an email: “Now is the time to act. Washingtonians have made it clear that they support common-sense gun safety reforms.” (source)

Things are getting more and more difficult for gun owners in a state that has two very different demographics.



  1. Sounds like Maryland.

  2. You still have to deal with the State Troopers.

  3. Good article about good County Sheriffs
    Wicomico County has a great Sheriff

    1. you got to be kidding

      Lewis is a chameleon...changes colors with the scenery

      Maryland issues orders to take our guns

      LEWIS and his misfits will bust your door down without warrants

      my neighbors saw
      Lewis's misfits enter my home without a warrant

      when I came home...his boys rifled through my property

      just wait Lewis...

      My Lawyers are going to bankrupt you

      expect a lawsuit in DC where you are not adored


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