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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Terry McAuliffe: I'm 'obviously looking' at running for president in 2020

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe previewed a possible 2020 Democratic presidential primary stump speech Sunday in which he voiced support for a practical form of "Medicare for all."

McAuliffe, who also served as Democratic National Committee chair in the early 2000s, said Sunday he was "obviously looking" at contesting the party's nomination to challenge President Trump, whom he described as being “too emotional” and “unstable” for the White House.

“I've 40 years of working for this party. I've plenty of friends in many states. So I don't have to rush into this," McAuliffe said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union." "Here's the message for Democrats. They don't want an angry liar in the White House. They want someone who is compulsively optimistic and realistic. And the Democrats have to lay out an agenda of success of what we plan to do.”



  1. Every damn fool idiot in the country thinks they can be President.

  2. Just keep hammering about his history with the Clinton's.

  3. So now the circus begins

  4. Well CLINTON promised all these idiots something. But we all know how that turned out. Why would anyone vote for a guy that allows his STATES history to be erased?? Because people who have been on the government dime for centuries said so?? Hell sell AMERICA out just like Obama,clinton, and Kerry.

  5. Reminds me of a song....the Freaks come out at night!!


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