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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Swing State Governor Aims to Repeal Voter ID Requirement

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Monday announced proposed legislation to repeal the state’s requirement that voters show photo ID.

“Participation makes our democracy strong—we should encourage every eligible voter to exercise this fundamental right, rather than creating unnecessary barriers that make getting to the ballot box difficult,” Northam, a Democrat, said in a statement.

Delegate Kaye Kory, a sponsor of the measure, said in a statement, “The photo ID requirement prevents the most vulnerable Virginians from voting and silences the voices of those who most need to be heard.”

The proposal would also allow people to vote absentee without providing a reason why they could not make it to the polls.

More here


  1. Absolute hogwash. This week I went thru the process of renewing my drivers license per the federal ID requirement, which was a pain in the arse.

    If I can satisfy the requirements necessary to get my drivers license, then there is absolutely no reason anyone else can not provide the necessary documents to get their ID

  2. What has happened to the once great state, the State of a Presidents, to the State of Virginia?

  3. Dumbocrats are all liars cheats and thieves!

  4. He is just as stupid as RINO Larry Hogan. By the way, the swinger Michelle Dunn set up a Town Hall for RINO Larry, Libtard Ralph and Delaware's Libtard Governor to be held at SU.

  5. Proving who you are by the simplest means possible is a barrier???

  6. More lies deception treason and collusion with the enemy that's what the Democratic Party is all about


  7. Northam is just an Eastern Shore VA Socialist hiding behind folksy. Remember he succeeded Clinton inner circle guy McAuliffe.

    Virginia's Framers of the Constitution are weeping in their graves.


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