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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Supreme Court could hear 'eugenics statute' suit challenging Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court is expected to announce as early as next week whether it will hear a case challenging the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

The case is an appeal from Indiana that seeks to enforce a 2016 state law that makes it illegal for women to have an abortion on the basis of race or sex or because they learn they will otherwise give birth to a baby with Down syndrome.

If taken up, the case will be the first direct challenge to abortion rights since conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the Supreme Court. The justices privately reviewed the case on Friday, and at least four need to agree to accept a case for it to be taken up.



  1. What about the relative numbers of abortions by race, i.e., does one race stand out and would that be a cause for worry that it's a plan of eugenics of that race?

  2. 'The case is an appeal from Indiana that seeks to enforce a 2016 state law that makes it illegal for women to have an abortion on the basis of race or sex or because they learn they will otherwise give birth to a baby with Down syndrome."
    Basis of sex? Uh, only females can give birth.


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