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Friday, January 25, 2019

Subject: Celebrated Democrat “Beto” O’Rourke Outed Wearing “Devil Goat” Costume; Left-Wing Media Tries to Spin Narrative Away From Satanism

He sported this outfit while performing on stage, raising questions about his ties to Satan worship

Celebrated left-wing political candidate Beto O’Rourke has been caught on video wearing a “Devil goat” costume complete with what appear to be horns or ears as part of a bizarre mask and a freakish one-piece costume. He sported this outfit while performing on stage, raising questions about his ties to Satan worship.

The media is now desperately trying to spin the emerging video as a comedy band gimmick, claiming the mask is a “sheep” mask, not the symbol of Baphomet, which is tied to Satanism and the occult.

Here’s a video still from Beto’s on-stage performance, where he appears in a bizarre onesie suit, wearing this mask that resembles Devil-worship goat masks (see below for examples):



  1. Yet another Trump associate bites the dust today but this is what you are concerned about? Lord help us

  2. I looked at the pictures. The band is dressed up in all white with sheep masks. It is beyond a stretch to try to call that goat devil worship.

  3. He was in a punk band. They do stuff like that simply for shock value. I doubt he's a satanist. In all likelihood, like most socialists, he's an atheist.

  4. Whatever he and 0bama wear are devil goat costumes.

  5. Normally it's the left reaching for stories... then there's this...

  6. This guy wants to be a leader??

  7. Don't think you Democrats understand what these socialists stand for.

  8. Of what - a bunch of losers with sheep faces. Idioi he is. Had clean teeth though.


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