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Monday, January 07, 2019

"Snipe His Ass" -- Rep. Scalise Calls Out Ocasio-Cortez After Her "Radical Followers" Call For His Murder

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) called out Commie princess, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez late Saturday night after one of her “radical followers” called for his murder.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called out Congressman Steve Scalise on Twitter with a condescending tone Saturday after the Republican lawmaker criticized her 70% tax bracket proposal.

Rep. Scalise said Republicans want to let Americans keep more of their own hard earned money and the Dems want to take away 70% of your income to give it to leftist fantasy programs.

Ocasio-Cortez replied by saying, “You’re the GOP Minority Whip. How do you not know how marginal tax rates work?”



  1. This loon is clueless and dangerous at best.

  2. She is another high profile anarchist sponsored by George Soros and the "shadow government"

  3. What really should piss people off is Twitter allowing this but shutting down conservative views.

  4. The stupid never ceases to amaze me... context folks.. and understanding how people use language....

    If anyone, for a second, thought she was talking about murder, then they are an idiot. A stupid, moronic, gas lighting, idiot.

    I can't even anymore, what is wrong with your brains?

  5. Well just think. If the RHINOS backed PRESIDENT TRUMP instead of the ESTABLISHMENT she wouldn't even be there. Sick and tired of looking at scalise. He talks and talks and NEVER accomplish anything.


  6. The comments by those advocating harm to Rep. Scalise are over the line. They are threatening and should be under investigation before being charged. He was already the victim of an assassin. A civilized society cannot countenance this level of threat without responding.


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