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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Smith: Feminism Is A Disease - And Masculinity Is The Cure

It seems these days like everyone and their gender-fluid grandma has some “profound” insight into the minds and world of men. Men and masculinity are spoken of in the media with sharp tones of fear mixed with disdain, as if we are a dangerous aberrant genetic anomaly that needs to be studied under a special microscope that will protect the observer from being influenced by our vitriolic pheromones. The problem is, most of these “experts” on manhood are not men at all, or, their observations of male behavior are tainted with deep-seated resentments. That is to say, they are hardly objective.

I recently came across an article by The Atlantic titled 'Psychology Has A Healthier Approach To Building Healthier Men'. Written around the same time as the embarrassing failure of Gillette's “Toxic Masculinity” ad campaign, I assume The Atlantic like many other mainstream media outlets was privy to this coming propaganda push and is attempting to rally the leftist troops to defend an ideological partner in crime. YouTube itself has even been aiding Gillette by removing dislikes from the video's vote count, which just goes to show that YouTube (owned by Google) is not a business but a propaganda machine, pure and simple.

As I've noted in past articles on the psychology not only of globalists, but the useful idiots on the political left they like to exploit, these kinds of people often exhibit many of the traits of narcissistic sociopaths. It has been my observation that narcissistic sociopaths tend to come to the aid of other narcissistic sociopaths when they are facing discovery or prosecution. They are not as isolated from each other as many assume. They do in fact "organize", and act to help each other as long as there is mutual benefit. If one vampire is hunted down by the villagers with their pitchforks, they know that ALL vampires might eventually be hunted down.

There is nothing particularly special about The Atlantic's analysis of men; it merely regurgitates all the typical feminist misconceptions and fallacies, but more subtly and in a way that might appear "rational" to the unschooled.

I do ask readers to study the article, because it is a perfect all around example of the kind of advanced propaganda men are facing:The dangerous mixture of pseudoscience and cultism. It presents itself as scientific while lacking any scientific foundation. It presents itself as fair while being ideologically biased in the extreme. It acts as if it wants to "help" men while treating men as if we are suffering from a mental illness called "traditional masculinity".



  1. YES! Back in the old days they knew this too, it was called "Female Hysteria" and they had special doctors to go to relive them of it.

  2. Traditional bad. Progressive good. One day all that is now Progressive will be Traditional, and back to Traditional bad,
    Progressive good again it will go.


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