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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Shifting Stories Cloud Claims of Alleged Hate Crime Attack Against Actor

The incendiary story of an alleged hate crime attack targeting Empire actor Jussie Smollett immediately went viral yesterday, with media reporting the attackers made racial and anti-gay comments while using President Trump's "MAGA" slogan during the 2 a.m. assault in downtown Chicago.

But conflicting versions of the incident from Smollett himself, and details reported by the media being outright contradicted by Chicago Police have raised questions about what actually happened.

Debra Heine noted on the PJ Media Live Blog last night that police had found surveillance video of Smollett, but had not been able to find video of the alleged assailants.

The explosive details of the incident were initially broadcast by TMZ:

"Empire" star Jussie Smollett was brutally attacked by 2 men who beat him up, put his head in a noose and screamed, "This is MAGA country."

The Chicago Police issued subsequent statements denying TMZ's claim that Smollett reported the suspects yelling "this is MAGA country."

The Daily Beast later reported that a Chicago Police spokesperson refuted TMZ's claim of the defendants being male and white.



  1. It's funny, when I first read about this, I told my wife it sounds like a hoax - like the young lady at SU who drew the hangman on the whiteboard in the new library.
    Sounds like I was right again. Doesn't happen very often... me being right.

  2. More that likely he was out at 2:00 am trying to pick up another homosexual and approached a heterosexual who was repulsed by him and that is why he had the snot knocked out of him. Happens all the time.

  3. well here we go again. hollywood and the media is full of lying deceptive luciferian excrement. another lie supported by the deceptors that surrond us

  4. Wal Mart is running a special on their ski mask, noose & bleach combo packs.

    I blame them.

  5. Sounds very weak. I'm just amazed and shouldn't be but all the comments from every Democrat in office. What - did a memo go out.


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