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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Roger Stone’s Shock And Awe Arrest Is ‘An American Nightmare,’ Says Judge Napolitano

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano called Roger Stone’s arrest “an American nightmare” and said it was meant to intimidate him and send a message to the public.

“This is jackboots in the morning. This is an American nightmare that they would arrest somebody like this,” Napolitano said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.

“[He’s] not a public threat. It’s not a crime of violence. He has no criminal record. His passport expired. He doesn’t own any weapons and they went after him with this kind of fire power,” he continued. “Why did they do that? Probably to intimidate him and to send a message to the public at large: this must be a bad guy or we wouldn’t use that kind of force to arrest him.”



  1. Again, I wonder who is behind this. The FBI is under the direction of Chris Wray. Is he the culprit? Thought he had better scruples when he defended the FBI in front of committee panel after the Strozck/Page debacle.

  2. I constantly spent my half an hour to read this blog's content all the time along with a mug of

  3. So Judge Nap (aka Never Trumper)what are you going to do about it. You have been undermining the President for years

  4. It is to show force, to justify why they need tanks to do come arrest you... Because after all, the FBI stats says more unarmed innocent people are being murdered by cops every year to the tune of 1200 to 1500 as cops death in general are around 500 to 800 a year... So see, clearly there is a movement to hurt cops AND KILL COPS SO THEY MUST HAVE TANKS... I also suggest not being a law abiding citizen because you are more likely to be murdered by cops than an actual criminal...

  5. 9:42___You have made the public aware that you are a complete idiot regarding research and facts. You sound like Jim Acosta at a press conference.


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