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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Report: Migrants Still Heading for Border

Central American minors and members of their families keep making their way toward the U.S. border despite President Donald Trump’s moves to stop caravans, USA Today is reporting.

According to data released by U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection, agents apprehended 27,518 members of family units in December – the highest monthly total on record.

USA Today pointed out that Democrats have accused President Donald Trump of using the caravans as a political tool in trying to get funding to build a wall on the southern border.

Meanwhile, another caravan, estimated at up to 15,000 people, is reportedly set to depart from Honduras in mid-January.



  1. If Trump stops them from entering, Mexico will have to bolster their own southern border or be overrun with these invaders! Keep the Government shut down until the Democrats eat their own and break their party down.

  2. Texans time to respond to the boarder as back up.


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