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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Reminds Me Of Salisbury Politicians


  1. An indictment is not a conviction.

  2. YET they arrest Roger stone for BS. we now live in bazzarro world

  3. You couldn't make it up!

  4. How much more stupid can this country get?

  5. Two Sets of Laws.

    You steala loaf of bread and run out of the store, 3-4 police agencies will send men and dogs through backyards and anywhere else to make sure you don't get away with stealing.
    SHE steals (that's all it can be called, really) TWELVE MILLION and is STILL IN CONGRESS???

    Hang them all. Every one. Even your guy.
    Do it soon, as in yesterday.
    These lying, thieving, scummy cheating, alcoholic, back room swindlers, and criminals WILL NOT STOP until "we, the people" stop their breathing.
    Start with the ones who think 'we, the people" have enough money to pay for the free stuff they promise to everyone. They are actually too stupid to live, so we would be doing their dumb ace a big favor.
    Let the rest of the scum called Congressmen watch and wait their turn.
    Televise their faces, before and after the rope.

    keep cheering.

  6. She has connections. Just like here in wicomico county. You all wonder why things NEVER get better. You keep voting your butthole buddies into office. They don't give a shit about you. Every time you ask them ANYTHING. They NEVER help you out. Now they will talk you in public and you get empowering because he or she talked to me. AIN'T I SPECIAL?? LMAO. POLITICIANS NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES. STOP WHINING. STOP THINKING YOUR SOOOOO IMPORTANT. YOU AIN'T!!

  7. Third world. Scary

  8. 6:25 only Democrats and Rinos that support them get away with this kind of stuff. Conservatives do not. They would get drug and hung up for a lot less then this. Like Roger stone. All you have to do is try to get copies of some documents or emails from Wikileaks about the corrupt ones and your place will be swarmed with swat teams. The dogs of war and hell will be unleashed on you. Yet Mad Max and Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Shumer and lets not for the Obamas and Clintons get away with anything and everything. They didnt get rich from their pay checks.


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