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Monday, January 14, 2019

PURE EVIL: Nancy Pelosi WON'T TAKE MEETINGS with Any US Citizen Whose Family Member Was Killed by Illegal Alien (VIDEO)!

36-year-old paramedic Paul Besaw was killed alongside his paramedic colleague, 51-year-old Lahiri Garcia, when they were struck and killed by a drunk illegal immigrant in February 2017.

Palm Beach County records show the driver Genaro Delacruz Alqui was cited several times for traffic violations over the years.

Paul Besaw’s wife Dawn Witherspoon joined Elizabeth MacDonald on The Evening Edit to discuss the recent comments by Nancy Pelosi downplaying the murders and homicides by illegal aliens.

Dawn went off on the heartless Democratic leader!
This was powerful!

Dawn Witherspoon: I am disgusted by Nancy Pelosi. It is unbelievable that we have politicians in our country that do not care about our people! And she said it numerous times!

But Pelosi doesn’t really care what Dawn has to say.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to meet with any of the family members whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens.
Pelosi doesn’t care.



  1. She is a total bitch. A disgrace years ago in Baltimore fronting for her father the crooked mayor of Baltimore.

  2. Pelosi IS part of the problem, yet base keep voting her in! Other Dems keep voting her to be in charge of the CONgress.

    Very sad.

  3. Nancy is for the working man and doesn't believe in rich getting richer. That's why she is only worth 100 million.

  4. Grandma, time for your diaper change!


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