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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Say Media Does Not Understand People Like Them

A recent Pew Research poll found that a majority of Americans believe they are misunderstood by the national news media.

Fifty-eight percent of American adults responded in the poll that new organizations don't understand people like them. Only 40 percent responded that the media does understand them.

Republicans are the most likely to report that the media does not understand them at 73 percent, and Independents are not too far behind at 62 percent. Democrats are the only demographic group with a majority who responded that they do feel understood by the media, at 58 percent.

The same study shows Americans are also more likely to say they do not feel "connected" to the outlet they get most of their news from, 56 percent to 42 percent. Again, Democrats buck the trend, with 54 percent saying they do feel connected.



  1. I bet it's way more than 58%

  2. The media are paycheck whores. They put out what their masters tell them to.

  3. The media has become just like the Hollywood bunch
    They have no clue

  4. Can't understand crazy.


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