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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Planned Parenthood President: Abortion Is ‘Our Core Mission’

The new president of Planned Parenthood took to Twitter Tuesday to finally confirm her organization’s “core mission” is abortion.

Dr. Leana Wen tweeted her irritation with what she viewed as an inaccurate headline by BuzzFeed News following an interview with her that was published on Monday.

“I am always happy to do interviews, but these headlines completely misconstrue my vision for Planned Parenthood,” Wen posted.

In the interview focused on Planned Parenthood developing its non-abortion services, Wen seemed to be suggesting Planned Parenthood would be beefing up its menu of basic healthcare services. A logical assertion, since a primary reason the physician was hired to head up the abortion vendor was to tout Planned Parenthood’s role as a basic healthcare provider. In her short tenure thus far, Wen has already mentioned many times that Planned Parenthood provides “lifesaving care.”

But, after the interview was published, Wen tweeted:

“First, our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care,” she said. “We will never back down from that fight – it’s a fundamental human right and women’s lives are at stake.”

More here


  1. And unless you're a woman, it's none of your business.

  2. democrats love killing babies so much they voted to fund overseas abortions. They truly are a nasty bunch of garbage.

  3. Note that she said "abortion and reproductive health care", as if abortion isn't a reproductive health care issue (which it isn't).

  4. I'm a woman and I have to ask why in this day and age when birth control options are available in every corner grocery store, convenience store and pharmacy, are women refusing to accept responsibility for their actions when it comes to reproduction. With men becoming afraid to be alone with women for fear of the #MeToo movement, why are women still needing abortions? My momma told me if you dont want a baby dont have unprotected sex. In cases of rape, report the rape and seek medical attention immediately. The morning after pill prevents pregnancy. We have to be responsible for our bodies and our actions.


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