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Thursday, January 10, 2019

PHOTOS: Top Democrat Donor Ed Buck With His Democrat Pals and His Black Male Prostitutes -- 2 Dead Now!

Top Democrat donor Ed Buck with: Governor Jerry Brown, Rep. Ted Lieu, In a T-shirt, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Hillary Clinton.

The body of another young black gay escort was found at the West Hollywood home of Ed Buck, a top Democrat donor and political activist.

Sheriff’s deputies are investigating after an African-American male was found dead early Monday morning at the Laurel Avenue apartment belonging to one of Hillary Clinton’s donors, Ed Buck.

There will be a rally tonight at the home of Ed Buck to call on LAPD to arrest Buck, according to WEHOVille,



  1. The never ending freak show called the Democratic party and Washington politics

  2. There's no justice for high up democrats and there's justice for the rest of us.

  3. there will be justice when these possessed evil doers meet God! they have sold their souls to the devil and have been rewarded accordingly. unfortunately they are either to arrogant or to stupid to realize the repercussions of their decisions! waiting patiently for the day........

  4. Think about it though, they've effectively brainwashed our youth. We need to take our schools back. Google 2 items: 1) Goals of the Naked Communist. 2) The American Dream animated.

  5. ghouls of a feather flock together

  6. Sick, sick, sick! 👎😞

  7. Democrats protecting a democrat donor. Two deaths and nothing happens? Where are the marches, the protests, the burning, etc.? Funny how it's always democrats, huh?

  8. Will the MSM carry this story? Probably not. Just like they ignored the story about the black 7 year old girl who was murdered by two of her mother's drug suppliers that she tried to not pay after the drug transaction. And being friends with each other on Facebook was just 'an oversight' that she forgot to tell the police about.


  9. OTOH, his dead 'friends' will continue to vote Democrat for years to come.


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