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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Pelosi rejects Trump, says House won’t authorize State of the Union address in chamber

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday flatly rejected President Trump’s acceptance of her initial invitation to deliver his State of the Union address to Congress.

“I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House chamber until government has opened,” the speaker wrote as the brinkmanship between House Democrats and the White House continued to escalate.

She said she would welcome Trump to the House on a mutually agreed upon date once the partial government shutdown, now in its 33rd day, was over.

Trump later told reporters he wasn’t surprised.

“I’m not surprised. It’s really a shame what’s happening with the Democrats. They’ve become radicalized,” he told reporters.



  1. Don't offer if you don't mean it, corrupt Pelosi. White House always open to you and negotiation. What a disservice you have done to the American people who want to hear President Trump.

  2. This old hag/bag can't really reject President Donald J. Trump. Lube Gal wouldn't make a pimple on the good man's backside.


    Now, SHE owns the House of Representatives and gets to say who can come and go??

    THAT building belongs to "We, the people".
    SHE doesn't get to say that SHE controls where the President (duly elected by "we, the people" can speak!
    SHE works for "we, the people", not the Grand Committee of Adulation for Pelosi.
    Democrats have NO NONE ZERO concern for our country or American citizens. They spend their time helping people from OTHER countries and taking wonderful vacations (with their spouse and children - at the expense of "we, the people". They also like to denigrate Americans as too stupid to understand how brilliant they are and how great their plans for us are....
    They NEVER get anything done, but they keep telling us they are GOING to do it. Soon. Very soon.
    Great speeches. No accomplishments.
    The only two things they are good at are promises and failure.

    Keep cheering.

  4. Well, it's official. Pelosi and her gang are going over the edge. They are such elites they won't let the President of the United States address the people.

  5. Great just let her bury herself & her criminal colleagues
    it will come back to Bite them in the future !!!!

    We all knew she would Take the Bait !!! Shutdown Her
    Fault !!!! She won't be speaker of house for long LOL !!

  6. Trump is Glad she got Speaker so she can do herself in !!!!!!

    just another way to Get Rid of enemys is to Promote them out !!!!

  7. He should have it at his Florida place just to spite her !!


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