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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Pelosi Holds the Gavel but Minorities in the ‘Tri-Caucus’ Wield Power

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is back as the most powerful woman in the House of Representatives, but as a more diverse and far left 116th Congress takes shape,it is clear minorities will want to use their newfound status to get appointed to important committees and be at the table on a wide range of policy issues.

Roll Call explained the dynamics behind the new Democratic-controlled House:

The ideological caucuses are looking to be a larger source of power in the majority since the groups’ central purpose is to develop and debate policy.

In the minority, much of the power has been delegated to the Congressional Tri-Caucus — composed of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.


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