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Sunday, January 06, 2019

O'Malley rules out 2020 run at Trump

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said Thursday he’s not going to make another run for president, saying his “usefulness as a candidate” has ended.

He was a candidate in 2016 but failed to gain much traction in a small field dominated by former eventual Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her chief rival, Sen. Bernard Sanders.



  1. good!!!!! He didn't have a chance anyway. TaxMeister

  2. never stood a chance. laughable

  3. Public transportation here in Philly has been my primary mode of travel for 7 years now. I’ve seen everything. Everything. One of the most bizarrely wholesome experiences was when this massive middle-aged black dude in XXXL Sean Johns and Beats starts singing Bring Me To Life at full volume to the whole train car with full sincerity. It was like watching Suge Knight break down during a Twilight reading. I truly appreciated it and won’t ever forget him.

  4. He never had any usefulness

  5. For once he's right.

  6. When was he ever a useful candidate?

  7. He's right AND his 15 seconds are OVER!

  8. The freak omalley couldn't even break double digits in the MD primary. He is only a legend in his own mind and other loser worthless nothings. He should go crawl in a sewer somewhere and take his goofy whacked out slave wife with him.

  9. He is looking for a shop at VP or Sec. of State job. His 40+ tax and fee increases and budget busting methods are his skeletons in his closet.
    Gov. Hogan reduced many of the taxes and fees, never once raised taxes since elected and we have a $1 Billion surplus this year. This just shows how incompetent Owe-Malley was-and still is.

  10. Damn. Would have been fun.

  11. Hogan hasn't unrolled all the damage that man did to this state and I don't know if he ever will. Good riddance.

  12. I guess I need to make my announcement soon as well. I will NOT be seeking a Presidential run in 2020 along with 3 billion other working Joe's in the country.

    So sorry to break tis news!

    Joe Dirt

  13. Oh booo hooo, whatever shall we do?


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