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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Will Sign 'Heartbeat Bill' on Abortion

Ohio's new Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, is pledging to sign into law a bill that would make abortions illegal once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.

DeWine told radio host Hugh Hewitt he would sign the "heartbeat bill," legislation his predecessor John Kasich, also a Republican, vetoed last month before leaving office.

"Yes, absolutely," DeWine said when asked if he will sign the measure.

"We will do this. I just saw the headline, a court struck down another heartbeat bill for another state. But ultimately, Hugh, you and I both know that this thing once it's passed in Ohio . . . once it becomes law, Planned Parenthood is going to be in the next day, or that day, filing a lawsuit. But ultimately, this will work its way up to the United States Supreme Court. And they'll make that decision."



  1. New York just enacted a similar law under which abortion will not be allowed when a heartbeat is heard by a deaf person.


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