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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Tax Rich 70%! Just One Problem...


  1. She was a bartender. What did you expect

  2. Likening herself to Lincoln and FDR? Puleeeeze!

  3. 13 percent of her district voted. millions dollars spent on her campaign mostly from California super PAC for her to get 8 percent of votes. 100k in votes. Now she wants to make decisions for over 300 million people... she is HOT campaigns on promises that WILL NEVER HAPPEN but can easily blame someone else for her broken promises. Super PACs owner and she just keeps getting richer

  4. She is an IDIOT!!!

    1. She is making 175 a year. Best insurance and pension in America. 5 book deals and several movie deals. Flys first class or private and has a driver. What are WE doing wrong ?

  5. She wants the navy to stop using nuclear reactors to power submarines and now wants them covered solar panels.

  6. She must have missed that's why the democrats want the tax cut back so they can cut the rich peoples taxes like it was.

  7. Maybe she isn't so dumb. When do the pay offs start from fossil fuel companies to shut her up. It's that what democrats do.

  8. This is same video you headlined (from 1995 InfoWars) about Bill Clinton arguing for more deportations, cracking down on illegals, and speeding up the deportation process.

    What's happening Dude 'cause you don't have your mind on this blog


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