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Friday, January 25, 2019

NY State Legalizes Abortion Up To Birth During National Holiday Celebrating Life

Democrats enact laws to keep abortion legal in New York in case Roe v. Wade is overturned

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is under fire from faith leaders after he signed a bill into law that legalizes abortion up until birth in many cases.

The Democratic governor directed the One World Trade Center and other landmarks to be lit pink Tuesday to celebrate the passage of “Reproductive Health Act.”

Mike Adams joined Harrison Smith to explain how child sacrifice is happening in front of our own eyes and most citizens do nothing to stop it.

Millie Weaver also appeared on the program to get into how billionaires have been harvesting young infants for their blood.

Weaver also touches on the financial side of the abortion industry and how it drives politicians to push for more and more dead babies.



  1. New York has just legalized murder. Everyone who voted for or agreed to the legislation should be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder. The entire country should immediately boycott the state and all business within it.

  2. Why not just go the whole way and say that anytime between conception and its reaching 18 years of age, the mother can choose to do away with the child?

  3. Sick, sick people!

  4. how about offering abortion to those who want and support it, retroactively? end of abortion as we know it!

  5. like the Pelosi's... 2 generations late

  6. What doctor, having SWORN to "first, do harm" can pull the arms and legs off a fully formed baby??

  7. After Roe v Wade is overturned, and states rights prevail once again, NY will be the place to go to kill your baby. Nice...


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