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Friday, January 04, 2019

Nolte: Mitt Romney Is an Idiot

As the freshman senator from Utah, Mitt Romney is a long way from the presidency. That has to be especially tough on a two-time presidential loser with You-Know-Who sitting in the Oval Office, a guy who took the brass ring by doing the exact opposite of what you did.

My opinion of Mitt Romney has changed over the years. When he lost the Republican nomination to John McCain in 2008, I thought he was a classy guy with a future. When he lost the general election to Barack Obama in 2012, I thought he was a good man with a glass jaw. When he repeatedly got on his high horse to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, I thought he was an opportunistic sleaze bag gorging on sour grapes and his own monstrously selfish sense of virtue.

But now, after reading his Washington Post jihad against Trump, I finally figured what Mitt Romney really is … an idiot.

Romney might have a high IQ, but he’s a political moron.

Let’s first dispel with the idea that Romney wrote this op-ed out of some pressing moral need to condemn Trump’s supposed indecency. Decent people don’t contribute to the far-left Washington Post, a news outlet that published a countless number of lies to sabotage Romney, that attacks the children of Republicans, that tells almost as many lies as CNN.



  1. still acting like a spoiled brat still sucking on his silver spoon he was born with in his mouth. He has always acted like a Democrat. Another McCain, Flake and Collins. Not fighting for the conservatives and conservative values.

  2. He always was an idiot you could tell that when he campaigned, he needs to go sit down and give up.

  3. Saying he's an idiot degrades all idiots. Douche is a better word since its a disposable item in society!

  4. Ego is his game. Utah - What we're you thinking.


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