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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

No, This Is Not JFK's Democratic Party

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's House has more women, persons of color and LGBT members than any House in history -- and fewer white males.

And Thursday, the day Rashida Tlaib was sworn in, her hand on a Quran, our first Palestinian-American congresswoman showed us what we may expect. As a rally of leftists lustily cheered her on, Tlaib roared, "We're gonna impeach the (expletive deleted)!"

Not only was no apology forthcoming, the host of the New American Leaders event where Tlaib spoke warmly endorsed her gutter language.

Her remarks, said Sayu Bhojwani, "were raw and honest, and came straight from the heart. ... a refreshing break from the canned comments our elected leaders usually make. Tlaib spoke ... with the fire that so many at our event wanted to hear."

Sunday, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, 29, the youngest member of the new House, told CNN there is "no question" President Donald Trump is a "racist," for he regularly uses "historic dog whistles of white supremacy."



  1. This is what you get when the window lockers get some power.

  2. The most corrupt swamp in history of DC and half the people are blind to it.

  3. dammit 503....its window LICKERS!

    I laughed loudly anyway!!!!!!

  4. Are they blind or wealthy. I question Say Bhojwani's motives in running for an American government office. Truly her heart is not for Americans. Especially with verbally attacking our President of the United States. I say one more time and we need to deport her for treason. Lol

  5. We now have a dumbed down education system so now we have a dumbed down Congress.


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