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Saturday, January 05, 2019

No, Conservatives Are Not Angry That Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Danced on a Rooftop

But first, a question: Remember when The Force Awakens came out and people were still excited about Star Wars? Back in the good ol' days, before The Last Jedi and Solo, we actually greeted the announcement of a new film in the franchise with something other than exhaustion and dread. So when that first TFW trailer came out, everybody was jazzed for it.

"Wooooo, Star Wars!"

Then something weird happened. A handful of trolls complained about a black guy playing a stormtrooper in a Star Wars movie, and it became a national news story. Everybody fell all over themselves to condemn anybody who would be so racist in [current year]. Millions of people patted themselves on the back for being more enlightened than a few nobodies who decided to troll them. Actor John Boyega, who plays Finn in the new Star Wars films, was even asked in interviews what he thought about the "controversy."

There was no controversy. The only thing notable about the whole thing was that everybody freaked out about a complete non-controversy. A nontroversy.



  1. She should have jumped Off.

  2. Her camp released it then portended it was leaked to damage her politically. So obvious.


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