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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Newt Gingrich: Democrats and Never Trumpers will put Trump back in the White House in 2020 -- Here's why

As you listen to the liberal media, the Never Trumpers and the left-wing Trump haters chatter on about President Trump’s current situation, remember these two numbers — 35 and 49.

The first number was President Ronald Reagan’s approval in January 1983.

The second number was the number of states Reagan carried 22 months later.

I am not predicting President Trump will carry 49 states. This is a different environment, and the tribalism that divides the country is deeper than it was 36 years ago.

However, in contrast to the enthusiastic doomsayers on television, I am willing to predict President Trump will recover. Also, he is much more likely to be re-elected than any of his opponents at The New York Times, The Washington Post, or the liberal networks currently believe.

President Trump’s resilience, despite two straight years of the most negative media coverage of any president since Lincoln (at least 90 percent negative according to studies by the Media Research Center that analyzed nightly broadcasts) is a sign that he has a devoted base that will stick with him. The most recent unemployment applications are the lowest since November 1969 (when there were a lot fewer Americans at work). There are powerful initiatives underway to continue to increase American jobs and economic growth.

The left will do for Trump what it did for President Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and what it is currently doing for Prime Minister Theresa May (who is surviving because the alternative is so terrible). A few more proposals for 70 percent tax rates, sanctuary states, tax paid health care for everyone including illegal immigrants, open borders, anti-Semitism, and anti-Israeli hostility, and the Democrats will begin driving away everyone but the hard left. California Governor Gavin Newsom’s wildly left-wing ideas are going to be a striking contrast to President Trump’s comparatively mainstream views (Newsom was mayor of San Francisco and is carrying its leftist ideology to the entire state). New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may set a new standard for willful ignorance by a non-Hollywood personality. There is a point where smiling while saying things that are factually false simply doesn’t sustain a national movement.

The energy in the Democratic Party is entirely on the left, and as Hillary Clinton discovered, the nominating process is going to drive the Democratic candidates to get as nutty as necessary to please the new generation of radical bigots.



  1. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSJanuary 29, 2019 at 2:49 PM


    great news

  2. This is true. Yes, the truth. It is a dark hour, my listeners. Fellow travelers, it is apparent that they have succeeded. You know who (of course you do). Soros and the New World Order Globalists. Yes. It is true. They will stop at nothing to silence you. Hush, they say. Nothing to "see" here. Yes, there is. There are many malfeasances occurring every day. This started in 1994 with the rise of the Internet and they controlled him. Bill. But he slipped from time to time and was more conservative than they liked. Yes, then in 2003, they discovered wi-fi was a better communication tool to the brain than a hard line hookup and could direct thoughts in real-time. Now, we saw Obama's "planting" in the White House. How can someone with no birth certificate and who comes from Kenya be President of these United States? The media. They, you know who, knew the Mindless Drones (Democrats) would vote for him even though he can't speak coherently without his TelePrompTer machine. We have seen the videos and we know the Truth!


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