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Thursday, January 03, 2019

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Pardons 22 Illegals to Prevent Their Deportation

Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has pardoned 22 illegals to stop them from being deported.

The pardons were mostly for drug possession, but drug dealing, arson and robbery as well.

One of the men Cuomo pardoned set “an acquaintance’s car on fire as an act of mischief,” according to the governor’s statement.

Cuomo also used the statement to trash President Donald Trump.

“While President Trump shuts down the federal government over his obsession with keeping immigrants out, New York stands strong in our support for immigrant communities,” Governor Cuomo said. “These actions will help keep immigrant families together and take a critical step toward a more just, more fair and more compassionate New York.”



  1. he pardon convicted murders.. I hope justice catches up to him one day and have one of his relatives murdered by an illegal and set free... YOUR A PIECE OS SHIT ANDREW CUOMO

  2. The idiot isn't trashing the president but the people he represents.

  3. If immigrant families want to stay together why don't they just stay home. I'm tired of hearing about those A-holes.

  4. Cuomo should be in jail. Is there such a thing as a stupidity prison?

  5. Aren't illegal drugs a federal offence?

  6. Typical demoncrat! Worthless POS...of course we've come to expect this behavior from them.

  7. The whole cuomo family is garbage including that filth of a father of his who is spending his eternity in hell burning where he belongs. cuomo spends his time behind a wall surrounded by armed security while those he pardons will go on to commit more crimes against the public. the shame of it all is it won't just be democrats who become the victims which is unfortunate since democrats deserve to be victims of illegals.

  8. What an a$$hole he is!!!

  9. All Quomo did was prove himself the fool we all know he is. One second after the pardons the illegals became illegal immigrants again because being here illegally is a felony.


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