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Friday, January 11, 2019

Navy Railroaded Marine Operator Falsely Accused of War Crimes

Marine Maj. Fred Galvin petitions for reinstatement

A Marine Special Forces officer has been promoted in retirement after the Navy acknowledged that he was falsely accused of war crimes for leading his men through a terrorist ambush.

The Board for Correction of Naval Records admitted that Marine Maj. Fred Galvin was railroaded when he led the Corps' first special operations unit (MARSOC) into Afghanistan. In March 2007 his unit was attacked by a suicide bomb followed by small arms fire from terrorists. Galvin and his men returned fire, killing 12 enemies, only to see senior military leaders and investigators accuse his men of massacring civilians.

MARSOC was withdrawn from the region before any investigation was completed. The men were put on trial only to be exonerated after it was discovered that the prosecution "was in possession of overwhelmingly clear evidence" and "suppressed exculpating evidence" that the Marines acted in self-defense. The board found that Maj. Galvin not only acted appropriately but paid a career-ending price for the animosity of senior brass looking for a scapegoat. The report cited one officer's conclusion that Galvin "was beset by a perfect storm of toxic officers."

"The convoy's response was irreproachable… the magnitude of [the initial investigator's] errors cannot be overstated," the report says. "The adverse fitness report is inequitable and unjust because it was not fair to relieve him."



  1. As a Marine. I left the corps after 10 years for this stupid stunts made by the powers that be. It's ALL politics even in the military. This happens when you lower standards and allow undesirable people to enlist. When I was a DRILL instructor they told us we couldn't curse or put a hand on a recruit. Might hurt their little feelings. Their parents might have influence. In another battalion I heard of a recruit writing his father who was a congressman about his treatment. The consequences the ENTIRE platoon officers and staff NCO's had to endure. Retirement, demotion, and reassigned. Over a little Pansy kid. You joined the MARINE CORPS. What did you expect?? Unfortunately the military has become another government assistance entity. Where lowlife pussies with influence flourish.

  2. With so many officers graduates of the Naval Academy, the Marine Corps suffers from the same Canoe Club mentality as the Navy. If you don't have the ring, you don't mean a thing.

  3. Your absolutely right 8:49. My tours you could see these little pansies fold like a chair without be held up by daddy. They become resentful of others who can do the job. Because of daddy's influence they NEVER trusted the training they received. They panic.

  4. Just like that poor Navy Seal being railroaded for killing the enemy. Having to other seal's saying he murdered the enemy. When the entire SQUAD and Iraqi soldiers said they were lying.
    Then it comes out the two who said he did this were disciplined by their leader for COWARDICE in battle. They got mad a made up these charges. I wish we knew of the background about the two who LIED. But we ALL know who they are. Two little cowards who's family have influence and refuse to admit they raised COWARDS!!

  5. I agree. Saw first hand the politics in the military especially the Navy. Officers who think they are God's and get away with it. Criminal


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