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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Mueller Attorneys Caught Withholding Information in Court - When Will the Judge Realize the Mueller Special Counsel is Criminal Gang?!

The Mueller gang was caught withholding millions of pages of non-classified information in its case against a Russian firm. The corrupt Deep State operatives claimed its for national security purposes.
The Russian firm that challenged Mueller in court, Concord Management, is making a mockery of the Mueller gang and bringing this all to light!

When will US judges understand that the Mueller gang is corrupt and criminal outfit attempting a coup of the 2016 US election while covering up their own crimes?

As we’ve noted previously, in an effort to tie their corrupt investigation to Russia, the Mueller team indicted 13 Russians after presenting their cases to a grand jury in February of 2018. 

Immediately, these indictments were suspect as everyone on the corrupt Mueller team knew that these ‘Russians’ would never be brought to justice,even if they were real, because they would never come to the US to stand trial and risk being tossed in jail.

Unfortunately for Mueller however, this soon turned into a royal mess.



  1. TWO Sets of Laws.

    They don't care (until their neck is stretched) what you or I think about it, either.

    Go ahead.
    Keep cheering.

  2. WTH??...Withholding against a judges order? Lock these people up now! Here's a perfect example why we don't trust and hell is knocking on the front door. smh...

  3. The deep state is very deep


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