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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Most Young Adults Disagree With Democrats on Abortion

The Democrats’ national platform doesn’t just lack common decency when it comes to unborn life—it lacks common ground. For the last three years, the party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has been fighting to do away with consensus limits on abortion—and based on the latest polling, that isn’t exactly endearing them to voters.

In 2016, the Democrat National Committee decided to take Democrats where no party had gone before. Clinton’s radical call to repeal the Hyde Amendment, the only thing standing between taxpayers and government-funded abortion, wasn’t just unpopular with Democrat leaders like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois, but Americans, too. She went on to lose the election, and a lot of pundits—including The Washington Post’s—think her extreme social views were a big reason why.

The DNC didn’t listen to Americans then, but if it cares about the millennial vote, it may want to listen now. Most people—the media included—assume the under-34 crowd is in the left’s back pocket. But a new survey from Students for Life of America shows what a mistake that assumption has been.

More here


  1. The number of people for or against something, does not impact the right of the individual to bodily autonomy.

    If the majority of people believed that the father of a child would be COMPELLED by will of law to give his bodies organs to a child, at risk of the fathers health or even death, would ALSO be a violation of bodily autonomy, yet no one is lobbying for that and it is the same thing as saying women don't get bodily autonomy.

    The abortion argument is as simple as that.

    Consenting to sex, is NOT consenting to being pregnant.

    I understand, there is a lot of nuance and gray areas and discussions about how long, what trimester.. we can define that a child carried for so long merits consent... but that's a discussion that can be had elsewhere.

    But unless you want to legislate that men are forced to give their bodies to children and sacrifice their bodily autonomy, you cannot do the same to women without having cognitive dissonance.

  2. I am 33. Teacher. And Conservative.

  3. Gee, maybe they are realizing that Planned Parenthood has committed genocide here.


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