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Friday, January 11, 2019

Millennials Are So Helpless They’re Taking ‘Adulting Classes’ To Learn How To Do Things Like Sew A Button


  1. I thought that class was called home ecenomics....and the libs took it out of schools.

    1. Does anyone know why Driver's Ed was taken out of the high school curriculum ? Driving is a skill used more than anything else they can possibly learn in high school.

  2. And who’s fault is that? They removed Shop from the curriculum. Do they even offer home economics?

    We live in a throw away culture. But instead of shaming these people you should be incouraging them for taking the initiative. They dont know something and they are trying to learn it.

    Whats the problem?

  3. I do think that the marriage and life skills classes are good for them. Many of the young girls are learning bedroom love skills along with how to cook. Obviously mom didn't care to teach her daughter anything!

  4. .....ok? What I see is a millennial trying to do better for themselves. Y'all B**** whether they do or they don't. Literally cannot make y'all happy for nothing. Smh. Everything is learned behavior . Which means someone taught you how to do all the things you know (not EVERYTHING I know i know) I just don't see a problem with someone being motivated enough to seek out help to learn so.ething new!

  5. I teach in a school, and I see how many of the girls can't even make a hard boiled egg!

  6. You would think with ALL the GAY, transgender, and other PERVERTS teaching our kids through out the education system they would know.

  7. @6:11pm and 7:11pm

    The problem is at that age they should be learning about how to make their future successful, not basic things that a 12 year old could do. SMH, you two are part of the problem!!

  8. 10:30........they took driver's ed out of school because any foreigner or otherwise, put enough pressure on the BOE to stop it because they wanted to open up a driving school. Look at how many of them there are now. At one time, there was only one. Driver's ed was a much better taught class when it was given in high school because you had to pass it just like any other course.........now it is all about money with the driving schools on every corner/ As long as they can get you through the driving test at MVA, they get their money and don't care one iota if you can drive or not.


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