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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Media Members Who Claim There’s No Border Crisis Also Insisted There Was No Caravan Crisis

Joe Scarborough, Jim Acosta and others mocked Trump for his warnings — then were proven spectacularly wrong

President Donald Trump will discuss “the humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border” during his first Oval Office address on Tuesday evening amid the partial government shutdown over border wall funding.

But mainstream media members are already dismissing the border crisis, downplaying the threat illegal immigration poses to the nation and mocking Trump for championing American safety and sovereignty over open borders.

Many of these same media critics also doubted that a Central American migrant caravan that traveled to the U.S. during the last few months of 2018 even existed.

Thomas Homan, former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director, said Monday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” that the “same people” who “claim there isn’t a crisis at the border” and scoff at the idea of a security wall are the same people who “claimed there wasn’t a caravan” barreling toward the U.S.

“There was,” he added bluntly.

Some media members claimed that the thousands of caravan migrants posed no threat whatsoever to U.S. citizens and did not deserve Trump’s wrath.



  1. And then the media stated Trump set it up.

  2. Government workers and food stamp recipients which more than likely are mostly Democrats have the most to lose by Pelosi and the Democrats and would think their base would be on them.

  3. Pelosi baskes in Hawaii while Fed Workers look towards shutdown. Those workers should remember who brought them this.

  4. The media is just another arm of the dumbocrat elitist communist party

  5. I stopped listen to media years ago
    Their a joke


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