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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Maryland certifies country's first new socialist party in decades

Maryland has certified a socialist party to run candidates in the next two election cycles, in what is being described as the country's first new socialist party in four decades.

The party, called Bread and Roses, identifies itself as an alternative to the two-party system. With the certification, that alternative can now put up candidates for local, state and national elections -- including the presidential race -- in 2020 and 2022.

“It’s a new kind of socialism,” the founder, University of Maryland professor Jerome Segal, told Fox News.

Segal last year ran unsuccessfully as a socialist in the Democratic Party’s primary against incumbent Sen. Ben Cardin. He lost, left the Democratic Party -- and won certification from the state Board of Elections for this new effort after submitting a petition with more than 10,000 signatures.

“It is believed that the new party is the first democratic socialist party to be established in the United States in the last four decades,” a Bread and Roses press release said.

The establishment is the latest example of socialism – not too long ago a loaded term that political candidates and leaders avoided at all costs – becoming more widely accepted on the left, with mainstream Democratic candidates tapping into the movement and some of its favored policies to build support.




  1. Why am I not surprised that a University of Maryland professor is behind this crap? U of M is a huge waste of taxpayer's money as well as a breeding ground of those who wish to destroy our Country. And Maryland parents will blindly continue to send their children there for indoctrination.

  2. Over my dead body. The socialism is a dead horse from 5oo A.D. should not be use ever again from the Roman Empire.

  3. It's a new kind of socialism, but it won't work either.

  4. It didn't work out for the first settlers...

  5. Maryland is for suckers

  6. How many times and how many countries have to prove that socialism is not only inherently evil but also a failed ideology?

  7. @4:25 take a breath there. A "new" kind of socialism?? Do tell

    1. They were quoting the article, 507.

      “It’s a new kind of socialism,” the founder, University of Maryland professor Jerome Segal, told Fox News.

  8. As he benefits from his pension 401k and great healthcare. How about He quits his job gives up his pension 401l and paid vacation. He goes on Obamacare, snap and lives in the house authorities I will listen to him. Until then he is a pos running another scam.

  9. Yeah, a college professor! That is what they do instead of teaching the students how we got to this point, they teach them what the professor want them to know. The kids have no idea what is right or wrong, only that they need to agree to pass the class.

  10. This is great news! Now the insane ones will siphon off votes from the slightly less insane part of the "Democratic" party! Win win for The Grand Ol' Party 🎉 🎃

  11. There has never been any manifested " Socialism " or " Communism " both ideologies are as corrupt as " Capitalism " if your connected you make out and work the system and workers are just that.....they will always be workers...not patriots or proletariat's but wage slaves that sometimes make out making the same dirty deals on their own that their rulers do.

  12. I wish these people would read and learn history. There is no place in modern society for this crap.

  13. Look up the Little Red Hen story folks


  14. Perhaps he'd care to tun for office in really socialist Venezuela; heard they may have a few spots open.

  15. This is good news. It will split or at least take away from the democrat vote making it somewhat easier for the only good decent honest people, the people of the Republican party to get elected. democrats are nasty. They said so themselves. Only thing they didn't lie about.

  16. and here you have it!!!!

  17. Ireton and Day are founding members, right?

  18. Riddle me this. If Hogan was such a sainted Governor why would anyone be so inclined to start a socialist party in MD, muchless seek certification?


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