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Monday, January 14, 2019

Mark Penn: FBI Trump-Russia investigation shows deep state was worse than we thought

I guess no one in the FBI ever watched “The Apprentice.” It was only the number-one rated show in the country. In it, Donald Trump, more than any other person in the world, made famous weekly the phrase “you’re fired.”

Consequently when Donald Trump abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey, exercising the authority he believed he had as president of the United States, he was taking the very action he made famous. It wasn’t out of character for him but in character, as he has been throughout his administration. If anything, it’s hard to find anyone who has not been fired or threatened with firing. It’s what he does.

Now, let’s review some of the actions of the FBI director. Many of these actions were clear at the time; others we know only now. What we have learned since underscores that the president’s firing of Comey was more than justified, and the actions of Comey’s staff and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to trigger the most extensive investigation in history of a campaign, an administration and a president appear to be wholly without justification – and were based instead on politically inspired emotion and hysteria.



  1. Yet the farther Muller digs. The more he has to cover up. If Muller at the end of his investigation doesn't lock up the OBAMA administration and many other democrats. Then it was the most expensive SCAM than welfare.

  2. Send Comey the bill.

  3. And if you listen to the MSM today all you hear is that there must have been some collusion if the FBI opened this investigation. No proof just that it had to be there. They cannot absorb the fact that the FBI was off the rails

  4. Every damn thing is worse than you thought, becasue you think it is not bad to begin with!!! Duh!!!!

  5. What did Obama state to Putin about after he got re-elected? Was it nit the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, Mueller and others that signed off on the illegal sale of US uranium to Russia? Appears the FBI and Mueller has the wrong person / Party.


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