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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Kamala Harris: I will not support compromise that includes wall funding 'under any circumstances'

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said Monday that she will not support any compromise bill on immigration that includes funding for a southern border wall "under any circumstances."

Harris told voters in Iowa at a CNN town hall that she would not support any bill to avert another shutdown that includes "some" border security funding for a wall or barriers along the border even if it was in exchange for permanent protections to so-called Dreamers.

"Let me be very clear," Harris said. "I’m not going to vote for a wall under any circumstances."



  1. good you commie POS now we know where you stand for real citizens in your state and this country..we it comes down to it we wont need her commie vote anyway..

  2. Well let me be very clear Kamala Harris, you would never, ever get my vote and I bet you won't get alot of other votes either because of your ignorant stance.

  3. She proves the Democrats do not want border security no matter what they say. They only want border surveillance. Surveillance is not security. Only dumbasses would try to say it is the same.

  4. If Kamala and Hillary ran against one another, which would you choose?

    1. Won't happen, if she became a threat to hillary's future she would probably be found dead from 2 suicidal gun shots in the head

  5. No compromise! There you have it. That's what the democrats have become. Trump should shut them down forever (or until they come to the table to deal). No compromise is a failure of the democrats to govern. There is no democracy without compromise. No compromise is socialism or communism, or a house of congress dictatorship. Trump has shown his willingness to compromise. Where is Shumer's, Pelosi's, and Harris's willingness to compromise? The democrats are going to own the next shutdown, coming to a government agency near you soon. Obviously, no compromise equals no deal. Trump knows this. It's why he re-opened government so teh Democrats can show their true intend behind their promise that if Trump would re-open government, they would negotiate. It was a short term solution to re-open the government, and when it is apparent to the country that the democrats have no intention of making a deal with teh president, it will be the democrats shutdown for all to see. I didn't realize why he caved on the recent shutdown, but now it is obvious. He KNEW what they would do if they got their way. They would not do what they said they would do, if he agreed to re-open the government. The man is a genius! The democrats still have no idea how to deal with a billionaire non-politician that can't be bought by lobbyists or back room deals.

  6. Give Kamala a little taste of the illegal fentanyl they just confiscated at the border. That may change her mind; or alter it.

  7. Then you will lose!!


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