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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Judge in Flynn case orders Mueller to hand over interview documents after claims of FBI pressure

A U.S. District Judge has demanded that Special Counsel Robert Mueller turn over all the secret documents related to the questioning of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn alleged in a court filling on Tuesday that the FBI pushed him toward having no lawyer present for his January 2017 interview. Flynn he later admitted lying to federal authorities investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 election during the conversation.

Flynn's attorneys point the finger at then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe - claiming he pushed Flynn not to have an attorney present for the questioning.



  1. Democrats are not a political party... They are a crime syndicate.

  2. It's hard to believe that anyone with half a wit would agree to be "interviewed" by the FBI without legal representation. The FBI doesn't "interview", it investigates.

    1. 3.51 it's not hard to believe, if you think you're totally in the right and totally truthful then you answer questions. And then they turn them around on you twisted with some little fact or situation that doesn't really fit with your narrative, even though did not lie.

      For example you testify that the car that left that particular building was red and then they look up the manufacturers color and say it was dark maroon. Now you have lied accorded cording to the FBI

      Then they turn around and FILE charge against you for perjury. I hope you are never in that situation. I have been.

      They told me I was being interviewed as a witness and then they violated my Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. And made false allegations against me. It is hard to fight unless you have a lot of money to ride you through the legal process.

    2. It would've been nice to have representation, would it not ?

  3. Sorry, they were either erased or the dog ate them.


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