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Friday, January 25, 2019

Joy Behar Admits Why Dems Keep Failing So Hard


  1. She is a traitor to the jewish people.

  2. "Joey" Bitchar and company are realizing they have failed. They failed by backing the fat failure in '16. Now they are still in the same position.
    They failed to listen when Trump said we would be tired of winning. Well Joey, we are still winning and the original Trump supporters are still with him and will always be.Thank you Mr. President!

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  3. Irrelevant chirping and clucking is all that the show is about. If no one gave it any attention it would go away.

    1. Nothing worse that a group of women complaining. I am not sexist - in fact I am a female who hates to see women all trying to talk at the same time.

  4. she is empty headed, clueless and lost.

  5. I despise her and all Democrats.

  6. Muslims should avoid her
    She is a big fat pig

  7. Hate begets hate and haste. Remember hate always destroys the hater, not the hated. Their concentration on President Trump is only destroying themselves. It’s an illogical hatred based in jealousy but all the same, it’s unbridled hatred. People never seem to understand the Law of Attraction. They always revel in their negativity and then wonder why negative continues to permeate their worlds. Sad isn’t it? Oh well, that’s what free will is all about. You choose to be miserable or happy.

    1. Hate destroys the hater. Really. Maybe hate is a strong word. Maybe it sound be softer, a puppy to snuggle or a soft blanket to protect. A safe place would be better.

  8. imagine being married to this shrew? wtf is up with her husband?


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