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Friday, January 04, 2019

"It's just one straw, it's just one disposable cup, it's just one plastic bag" - 7.4 billion people.


  1. You're preaching to the choir.

  2. How many beer cans in the trash not recycled. How many cigarette butts on the ground. How many wads of gum on the side walk. You get the point.

  3. I throw my beer sans in the trash. My local landfill has stopped lobbying for recycling, so why should I care? Apparently, the market is full, and profits are down below operating costs.

  4. Don't need or want straw for drinking anymore ..just don't need ..( don't use one at home when drinking liquids !...Don't make good sense when not home !

  5. I want to know how all the plastic straws, that are disposed of properly (most!) in trash receptacles, end up in the oceans, like they claim. I think it's all just hype against plastic. Just another "created" problem so that our leaders can "create" a new law that taxes and inconveniences the common person. Our legislators can afford gold straws.

  6. January 5, 2019 at 8:50 AM:

    I respect your opinion, but no one is saying you HAVE to use a straw, yet the latest fad is to tell those who prefer to use straws, that they can't have them. So much for tolerance, huh?

    As for my mustachioed face, I find using a straw much more hygienic than slurping from a cup. And riding in a vehicle, there is much less chance of a spill with a cup with a lid and a straw. And I always dispose of my trash in trash receptacles. So why is is anybody's business whether I use a plastic straw, or not? Paper straws are useless (ever tried to drink a milkshake with one?), and aren't worth the cost of a tree to make them. Just because using straws don't "make sense" to you anymore, doesn't mean they don't make sense to the rest of us.


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