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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Illinois Is "National Outlier" When It Comes To Losing Residents

Illinois residents are fleeing the state in record numbers. The most recent U.S. Census numbers showed Illinois netted a loss of 114,000 residents to other states in 2018. That means Illinois lost 114,000 more residents than it gained from other states.

Only New York, (-180,000) and California (-156,000) lost more residents on a net basis. New Jersey (-50,000) and Louisiana (-28,000) rounded out the top five largest losers of residents to other states.

Illinois residents are fleeing the state in record numbers. The most recent U.S. Census numbers showed Illinois netted a loss of 114,000 residents to other states in 2018. That means Illinois lost 114,000 more residents than it gained from other states.

Only New York, (-180,000) and California (-156,000) lost more residents on a net basis. New Jersey (-50,000) and Louisiana (-28,000) rounded out the top five largest losers of residents to other states.



  1. They are running away from the crime and the taxes in those states. When they move to another state they will vote for the same type of people that they voted for before and will expect different results. Soon the state they moved to will be just like the state they left. It's like the illegals. They come here and want us to change the way we do things to the way they did them in their own country. Well it didn't work in their own country or they wouldn't come here.

  2. So true 3:36
    Get ready people


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